Projet financé par l'Institut Danone France et la FRM


Un nouveau projet a été financé par l'Institut Danone France et la FRM :

Effect of fructose on neuroinflammation and mental disorders: direct action on the brain or indirect through the gut microbiota?

Applicant: Xavier Fioramonti, NutriNeuro, UMR INRA - Université de Bordeaux - Bordeaux INP

Partners: AMIPEM team, INRA, MICALIS, Jouy-en-Jsas; INSERM team U1073, Rouen

The Anses agency emphasized that the increase in fructose consumption is a public health concern given the numerous studies highlighting the impact of its overconsumption on the liver and the development of metabolic disorders. Nevertheless, the effect of this sugar on the brain has been neglected despitesome studies conducted in Humans or animal models suggesting a potential effect on the development of mood disorders. Based on strong preliminary data, MoodyFructose hypothesizes that fructose induces brain neuroinflammation and alters emotions via two non-exclusive mechanisms: 1) by a direct effect of fructose on the brain and / or 2) by an indirect action through changes in gut microbiota physiology. To answer these hypotheses, we will use complementary approaches, through the recruitment of Human volunteers or by the use of transgenic animal models, by the analysis of the intestinal microbiota, behavior, neurophysiology and immunohistochemical studies.

Date de modification : 14 août 2023 | Date de création : 08 novembre 2019 | Rédaction : CJ