Electrophysiology on brain slices

Manager / contact : Clémentine Bosch-Bouju: clementine.bosch-bouju@inrae.fr ; Xavier Fioramonti: xavier.fioramonti@inrae.fr


  • Measure of synaptic transmission and plasticity
  • Measure of electrophysiological properties and excitability of neurons on rodent brain slices
  • Analysis of neuronal nutrients- and hormones-sensing mechanisms 
  • Study of specific neuronal populations using fluorescent proteins-expressing mice models (NPY-GFP, POMC-GFP, D1R-GFP, D2R-GFP, Pet1-mCherry, CxCR1-GFP, etc.)
  • Brain structures studied: hippocampus, cortex, nucleus accumbens, striatum, dorsal raphe, hypothalamic nuclei
Electrophy IR et fluo

Infrared (top) or fluorescence (bottom) images of serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the dorsal Raphe nucleus of Pet1-cre/mCherry mice

Electrophy enregistrement electrique

 Electrical recording (current-clamp) of a NPY-GFP neuron in response to variation in glucose concentrations

Electrophy Enregistrement électrique GABA

Electrical recording (voltage-clamp) of spontaneous inhibitory GABA inputs onto 5-HT neurons in response to insulin

Electrophy Stimulation opto

Optogenetic stimulation of ARC POMC neuron from POMC-cre mice injected with an AAV-flex-hCHR2-mCherry

Electrophy Enregistrement électrique neurone

Electrophysiological recording of a medium-sized spiny neurons in the mouse striatum. A, Electrophysiological profile of the neuron following injection of current steps (10 pA increment). B, Synaptic response of the neuron following the electrical stimulation of glutamatergic afferents (2 stimulations with 50 ms-interval)


  • 3 set-ups for patch-clamp electrophysiology on brain slices
  • Microscopes with brightfield, infrared and fluorescence (combinable LEDs with 370 nm, 460nm and 580nm excitation wavelength)
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Optogenetic stimulation
Electrophy Matériel 2021

Photo of the ephys rigs


Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 17 February 2017 | Redactor : CJ